The Missus Chronicles #3: 15 Minutes
I was listening to Mellow 94.7 and heard about this show they do, Desert Island Disc. Basically the idea is you send in a list of songs you would take with you if you were marooned on a desert island. If I was going to be a jerk about it, I would say - "If I knew I was going to be stuck in a desert island ahead of time, I would bring a satellite phone, a GPS homing device, a raft, etc." But I'm always game for hypothetical situations, so I sent them an email with my songs and a long with a brief message. It got picked and Chloe read it on their show April 15, 2008 with some side commentaries from her and Chris. They sent me back a message before the day so I had a chance to prepare and record the segment. Here's a recording of the show where I cut out all the songs and just left in the stuff where they were reading my email. And who else would I pick-on aside from the missus? No one really. Check it out:
You can also listen or download through this link (5.61 MB).
I was hoping this was going to be my big break. But it has been a week now and no one has stopped me on the street to ask for my autograph and Hugh Hefner hasn't called with an offer to pose for Playboy. I guess that 15 minutes of fame isn't what it used to be.
ako i know you personally! wow! sikat! ang daming pogi points sa missus a!
and toy kingdom should pay you something from promoting them. hehehe. kidding! :)
free promotion of you blog! so did you have 1 million hits yet? hehehe.
hahaha! eh mas-sikat ka pa sa akin eh! print media ka na eh, cover girl! defintely got some extra love from the missus :P
i have to admit, that was one of my motivations when i sent the email :D visits didn't spike at all after the show, i looked :P i guess not many radio listeners are blog readers :P
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