- Have a banana!
- If MacGyver had a banana, he could fix this.
- Bananarama
- Banana zombies, instead of coming after your brain, it comes after your banana! Mwahahahaha!! *screams*
I don't actually like bananas. In fact, I wasn't able to eat the banana or my lunch. I took it home and gave it to the missus – “Sorry I'm late, I brought you a banana *smile* ". I usually brought chocolates for these occasions, but I already had the banana at hand, so I went with it. I guess you could say I was going bananas. My blog. My jokes. Deal with it.
Strange things you find on the internet. While writing this entry, I wondered what I would get if I googled "Banana Zombie". Didn't think I would get any relevant results, but I got the picture posted here. Apparently he's a Dancing Banana Zombie, what could get better than that? A Dancing Banana Split Zombie! And if you want to get all intellectual, I also got this result.
There are exactly 20 bananas in this blog entry. Yup, 20, don't forget the one trying to grab you.
incidentally the zombienana looks quite grossed out
i take it you arent used to having less than 3hrs, much less, no sleep at all? :p you'll get the hang of it, especially after you've mastered the art of sleeping with eyes wide open.
note to self: get bert a pair of pj's with bananas in pajamas printed on 'em for christmas :-)
If MacGyver had a banana he'd be able to solve any problem! Does anyone actually like bananas?
There must be people out there who likes bananas! We are basically hairless primates after all :P
Weird Al! I concede that you probably have more long work days than I do :P And I wouldn't mind PJs for xmas. I haven't been in PJs since I was eight, I think.
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